Employers Liability Insurance

Employers Liability Insurance covers you from damages on claims from your employee(s that sustain personal injury in the workplace.

It includes the costs to defend you in investigating and/or defending claims, or proceedings by your employee.

“Whoa back mate, I thought we had ACC in New Zealand, so what does Employers Liability Insurance actually cover…?”


ACC Doesn’t Cover All Workplace Injuries!

ACC in New Zealand deals with a great deal of personal injuries employees, but there are a number of work-related injuries that ACC may not cover.

For example: You can be liable if your employee cannot go back to work for something not covered by ACC.

In those circumstances an employee may be able to sue you for compensation, and Employers Liability Insurance can cover  you for these types of sircumstances.


Types of Injury ACC Doesn’t Cover

These injuries can include:

  • Mental injury or stress not accompanied by any physical injury
  • Nervous shock or fright not accompanied by any physical injury – this may result in serious illness, such as heart attack or stroke
  • Disease brought on over time – eg. exposure to the elements or extremes of temperature

Bottom line is, no matter how big or small your business is, if you have an employee or apprentice, Employers Liability can cover you for things that ACC doesn’t.

It’s not expensive! You can get Employers Liability for about the cost of a cup of coffee per month, from less than $1 per week per employee!


> Click here to see the Policy Limits and Policy Wording


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